4 senses workshop [EN]

Our human senses
Our senses are what allow us to interact, react, anticipate with our world. By dancing outdoors, we at Ad Astra are constantly researching and strenghtening our relationship to nature. Being alert and conscient of what is happening outdoors when we dance is essential, but also what makes dancing outside extremely pleasant.

This 5 day workshop was designed for you to experience new sensations and translate them into dance. A sensorial trip that you won’t forget!

Level: Intermediate dancers from any discipline and age.
Duration: 5 half days . It is possible to attend to only one half day.
Capacity: 12 participants maximum

More about the workshop

This sensory journey will allow you to flourish in your dance, to learn to use external elements but also your own perception of things to dance.
Through fun and sometimes surprising activities, come and refine your hearing, discover the world from a different perspective, hear those sounds that we do not listen to, or turn scents into dance!

For any enquiries or to book a spot please contact Camila through our contact form at the right of your screen.

We look forward to meeting you!

Atelier des 4 sens [FR]

Les 4 sens humains

En choisissant de danser en extérieur et dans des espaces naturels, la compagnie Ad Astra poursuit la construction d’une relation étroite entre la danse et la nature. 

Les contraintes que cette mise en scène extérieure présente, humaines ou naturelles, si elles ne peuvent pas toujours être contrôlées, peuvent cependant être transformées en véritables atouts pour la danse.

C’est dans cette optique que la compagnie Ad Astra a choisi de développer une série d’ateliers de danse contemporaine sur les 4 sens: la vue, le toucher, l’ouïe et l’odorat.

Infos pratiques
Public: Danseurs contemporains de niveau intermédiaire.
Durée: Stage complet de 5 demi-journées. Possibilité de prendre un atelier à la carte.
Capacité: 12 participants maximum

Ce voyage sensoriel vous permettra de vous épanouir dans votre danse, d’apprendre à vous servir d’éléments externes, extérieurs mais aussi de votre propre perception des choses pour danser.
À travers des activités ludiques et parfois surprenantes, venez affiner votre ouïe, découvrir le monde sous un autre oeil, entendre ces sons que nous n’écoutons pas, ou bien transformez des senteurs en danse!

Pour réserver votre place ou bien demander plus d’informations, contactez Camille via le formulaire de contacten cliquant ici ou bien à droite de votre écran.
À très vite !

Manon Hostie

Born in Belgium, Manon enters the world of classical dance at the age of 5. A few years later, she decides to make it her profession and devotes all her energy to this art.
Her secondary studies lead her to the school of fine arts in Brussels, where she discovers contemporary dance with Maya Dubuisson. At the same time, she begins a semi-professional training in classical dance at the Brussels Conservatory of Dance.

It is from 2016 that Manon arrives in Lyon and begins an approach to contemporary dance in conjunction with other forms of contemporary art. There she meets Camila, who shares her love of travel with her.

September 2019 marks her departure as a Dancer-Traveler, and later she joins the young traveling company Ad Astra, finding in the company the opportunity to combine her passions, and to express dance in relation to other artistic forms, and in relation to nature.
Thus, Manon develops a body movement inspired by Nature. She lets herself be guided by the energy and the sensations she feels by listening to or observing an element of the world around her.